Friday, September 28, 2007

Much Apu about CRAP

I thin it's time for me to dedicate an entry to Nanook, who is hands down the cutest thing on the planet.
Now, listen to me. This is the cutest damn stuffed animal I've ever met (An aside: Diggs was also very cute, and helped me through some tough times last year, but this guy... he's something else)

So uh... yeah there's the picture of him. He's the little beanie baby husky. I mean, ooohhh! He's so damn cute! And we make his little head move, and respond, and no this isn't creepy WHY DO YOU THINK THIS IS CREEPY?
You will also notice my Simpsons poster in the picture. It's so lame. It's like a 'Classic Quotes' poster made by some douche who picks quotes seemingly at random (also; some are misquoted, and there are more spelling errors than I'm comfortable with). But I had a really cool idea when I bought it, that Kevin and Travis and I will write the name of the episode over the people who say the quotes. I thought that was so cool. We're only doing a little bit at a time because... because it's fun. We're saving the Simpson family for last. We're really big Simpsons losers. But hey, whatever, at least I know what I'm talking about.

OH MY GOD A LITTLE BUG KEEPS FLYING AROUND MY COMPUTER HERE I GO TO KILL IT WATCH: GRR. It heard me get a tissue. It'll be BACK THERE IT IS!!!... Gone again! Anyway, back to the picture.

Um... You also see a Mac in the picture. Macs are fun for art people and people (see also: girls) who like to take a lot of pictures of themselves (PS I got the bug).

Travis is also in this picture. Travis is nice, and I like him.

I think I'm going home this weekend, which is kind of cool, kind of not. I mean I'll be home alone friday night which is NO NOT FUN because... I'm scared of zombies and I won't sleep :(. We'll see what happens.

To be consistent with daily events, my discussion and lab went fine. Actually, my Bio lab was really fine because it seemed a lot shorter than it was last time. Plus, I don't know, there was less to do. Then I ate two wings and an apple. Then I had some Wendy's after Improv, which I went to. There's been some pressure (hesitant to use that word) on me to, you know, perform stuff and I don't know, I really don't think it's up my alley. I like being funny and shit, but I've never HAD to be funny. I know it's not like that there. Still, you know, having no experience with being in front of people or like theatre or that shit, I just don't know if I could do it right. We'll see. I'll read books on how to do the improv. I'm kidding. I don't read.

Anyway, it's.... 3:10 and I have a 9:00 am class and BOH. I don't wanna go. Or write an intelligent design paper. Fack that man.

Alright, here I go. Goodnight, blog. Goodnight, Nanook!

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